Jan 182011

By T.M. Bernard

G, Where Did it Go? On the Elusive Gräfenberg Spot

Last year, researchers alarmed ladies and lovers everywhere when they suggested that the G-spot was just a figment of lusty imaginations. According to the identical twin based study based in the UK (those stodgy Brits!) – the design of which was almost immediately criticized – a whole section of female anatomy had gone missing.

First, the faulty science: The researchers asked 1800 women if they had G-spots, and expected identical twins in the study to answer with greater similarity than non-identical twins: if one twin had it, they reasoned the other would too. However, they did not: sisters sharing 100% of the same genes were no more likely to report similar results compared to non-identical twins who share only half of their genes.

Critics were quick to point out that this doesn’t mean anything when it comes to sexual experience; identical twins’ similarity stops at the genes, and not at quality or quantity of lovers, a subjective measure.

Women who regularly rocked their worlds via G-Spot orgasms were also outraged; once again, science was telling them that pleasure was all in their heads. Or it wasn’t. Or something all together incongruous with their very real sexual experiences.

Never mind the obvious problem with asking people about their subcutaneous anatomy. If you asked 100 women if they had a spleen, transverse colon, or a right lobe on their liver, many would say, “Sure, I think so, but for the life of me I have no idea where it is or what it feels like when touched.”

Subsequently, at least one researcher on the team admitted that their conclusions were drawn a bit too hastily, and that she herself would search for her own, um, answers before dismissing G-normous orgasms everywhere.

Premature Conculation

Arguments over the existence of this erogenous zone aren’t new. Some suggest that the G-spot is an extension of clitoral tissue. And not everyone may have one anyway; about 56% of women, generally younger and more sexually active, stake their claim this vaginal territory.

The point is that although the G-spot may be elusive, its existence shouldn’t be cast in a shadowy light, automatically dismissed. Not everyone is born with wisdom teeth, but they can chew their food quite comfortably, thank you very much.

What and where exactly is the G-spot?

This term is used to describe a small, lima bean shaped area on the upper side of the vaginal wall, about two to three inches in. The texture is different from the surrounding vaginal tissue. It is spongy and courser, and when properly stimulated, can lead to intense orgasms for some women. Not all, however, enjoy this sexual play. As with all things sexual and female, what may work for some lovers some of the time is likely to change.

It has also been suggested that the G-Spot serves an evolutionary purpose: during labor, when a baby is pushing against this part of a woman’s vagina, the stimulation may actually help alleviate pain through a process known as orgasmic birth.

Many women have yet to discover one of nature’s girly gifts. For others, scientific proof is irrelevant since they are already living proof of the G-spots existence. For those who are despondent, vacillating between “G, why bother? My sex life is fine just the way it is,” and wondering how they too can become sexplorators on the G-ticket ride, the following diagram is a useful start towards self-discovery.

For help finding your spleen, I suggest you ask your physician.

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