Would you be? Wood, you be.

 Posted by on October 28, 2012
Oct 282012
Would you be? Wood, you be.

A central concept in Taoism is that of p’u, the uncarved block. When a woodcarver looks at such a block, he can see within its simple material the potential to be many things. He can shape it into a knife, a spoon, a spear, a bowl, even a paddle. By his choice, action, and skill […]


 Posted by on June 9, 2011
Jun 092011

By C.K. Persons

Judgment’s been in the news lately, mostly due to another of Harold Camping’s incorrect predictions of the end times. (He was first wrong on 9/6/94, and then 5/21/11; and he’ll be incorrect again on 10/21/11.)

The Sexual Orientation Police

 Posted by on March 10, 2011
Mar 102011

By Amethyst Wonder

So far, I’ve written about Mr. Good on Paper, Mr. Emphatically Not Gay, Mr. Judgy Pants, and Mr. No Short Term Memory. By now, you may be under the mistaken impression that only males are the perpetrators on online social ineptitude. You would be wrong.

This month I’m writing about someone, a female someone, I have named the Sexual Orientation Police.


 Posted by on January 6, 2011
Jan 062011

By Amethyst Wonder

In the past few weeks, I’ve heard the term “heteronormative” used in at least five different ways. Some people were offended by the thing the term described; some were offended by the term itself. It made me think.

No Expectations

 Posted by on October 15, 2010
Oct 152010

by Mako Allen

One of my favorite Lao-tzu quotes is “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon a destination.” That’s good advice for travelers and for kinky people too. I think that the notion of “fixed plans” speaks to both judgment and expectation. We’ve all heard judgments before like “spanking is great, but I’d never want to be whipped.” Expectations are just judgments that haven’t happened yet.

Kink vs Guilt

 Posted by on October 11, 2010
Oct 112010

by Ms Selina Minx

Something which has been coming up a lot lately, is the issue of kink vs spirituality. Open sexuality in general stands in opposition of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim religious ethic, with it’s mostly guiltless enjoyment of such activities as sadomasochism, swinging, and even polyamory inciting a fierce negative response from these religions.