”’BDSM”’ is a type of roleplay or lifestyle choice between two or more individuals who use their experiences of pain and power to create sexual tension, pleasure, and release. The compound acronym, BDSM, is derived from the terms [[Bondage (BDSM)|bondage]] and [[Discipline (BDSM)|discipline]] (B&D, B/D, or BD), [[dominance and submission]] (D&s, D/s, or Ds), [[Sadomasochism|sadism and masochism]] (S&M, S/M, or SM).
BDSM includes a wide spectrum of activities, forms of [[interpersonal relationship]]s, and distinct [[subculture]]s. Many of these experiences are still considered to fall out of [[conventional sex]]ual activities and human relationships.
Activities and relationships within a BDSM context are characterized by the fact that the participants usually take on complementary, but unequal, roles. Typically, participants who are active — applying the activity or exercising control over others — are known as [[Top (BDSM)|tops or Dominants]]. Those participants who are recipients of the activities, or who are controlled by their partners, are typically known as [[Bottom (BDSM)|bottoms or submissives]]. Individuals who move between top/dominant roles and bottom/submissive roles – either periodically within a relationship, or from relationship to relationship – are known as [[Switch (BDSM)|switches]].