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Joined on: September 28th, 2010


Hi, my name is Leah Shapiro, and I am the Head Rabble Rouser at and a champion for your non-conforming soul. I help you create a life that gives you the freedom and flexibility to be your ‘freaky’ self while making money doing what you love. A have always identified as a ‘freak’. I have been part of the BDSM and Kink community since 1997. My tastes and ideas have always strayed outside the mainstream, and for a long time I struggled to ‘fit in’ with my peers at work and in my everyday life. It’s tough when you feel like you can’t discuss big chunks of your life with the people around you. I spent most of my 20’and 30’s feeling very unsatisfied with my life and the options available to me. Read Full Profile...

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