
Lifetime Catholic, adult-life kinkster; work in education and nonprofit worlds. Read Full Profile...

Beloved in Community

 Posted by on December 16, 2010
Dec 162010

By CK Persons

Baptism is sometimes misunderstood. Yes, the sacrament – a celebration of sacred mystery – has been reduced to a mere cultural event for many people. An infant gets baptized (water dripped on the head accompanied by the sign of the cross), and then s/he never again, for example, sees the inside of a church

The Scandal of the Incarnation

 Posted by on November 18, 2010
Nov 182010

By CK Persons

The Catholic Church is no stranger to scandal as the sexual abuse crisis makes abundantly clear. But the most scandalous thing about Catholicism – and this is not to minimize the horrible effects of sexual and power abuse — is the Incarnation