
 Posted by on January 15, 2011
Jan 152011

By CK Persons

What gets you out of bed in the morning? (Or, what/who keeps you in bed in the morning?) What do you view as your purpose in life? What’s your mission? Some answers may spring to mind immediately: my alarm clock, the bright sun, or more significantly, my kids, my job (or, passionate love-making with my partner!)

Beloved in Community

 Posted by on December 16, 2010
Dec 162010

By CK Persons

Baptism is sometimes misunderstood. Yes, the sacrament – a celebration of sacred mystery – has been reduced to a mere cultural event for many people. An infant gets baptized (water dripped on the head accompanied by the sign of the cross), and then s/he never again, for example, sees the inside of a church

Seismic Shift

 Posted by on December 3, 2010
Dec 032010

By Dr. Richard Wagner

Did you notice the enormous tremor the weekend before Thanksgiving? It was felt right round the globe, don’t cha know.
Pope Benedict made a most extraordinary comment in an interview with the German journalist, Peter Seewald, back in July