Mr. Good on Paper

 Posted by on January 6, 2014
Jan 062014
Mr. Good on Paper

by Amethyst Wonder

I know quite a few people who claim to have had success on CollarMe. I am not one of them. There was the guy who had not one punctuation mark in his message. There was the guy who wrote me a semi-decent message, only to write another message 34 minutes later berating me for not answering quickly enough.

Mr. Unintentional Irony

 Posted by on July 28, 2013
Jul 282013
Mr. Unintentional Irony

It may shock you to learn that I, who fancy myself a writer, appreciate words. Words have meanings, and using the right word helps us to communicate effectively. I’m also a huge proponent of proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Among other things, my love and respect for language are right there in almost every online […]

May 232013
Stalking the Elusive "Unicorn"

Once you get into the online polyamory world, it won’t be long before you see your first personal ad from a couple looking for their “unicorn”. All of you poly veterans out there are already nodding your heads. In the poly world, a “unicorn” is a young, single, non-crazy, sexually adventurous, drug and disease-free bisexual […]

Understanding True Intimacy

 Posted by on April 2, 2013
Apr 022013
Understanding True Intimacy

Many of us have been lead into believing intimacy is limited to the act of having sex alone.  Ironically, our misunderstanding of intimacy has influenced the development of unfulfilled sex lives within our relationships.  We base too much of our bonding on a physical aspect alone.  Being fully present and sharing with our romantic partners, […]

Please Skip the Please, Thanks for not Thanking Me

 Posted by on February 18, 2013
Feb 182013
Please Skip the Please, Thanks for not Thanking Me

A question arises in BDSM circles from time to time. Should a dominant say please and thank you when interacting with a sub? The title of this column might make you think that please and thank you are for the fakes. Not so! I am not here to say that dominants should avoid saying please […]


 Posted by on February 4, 2013
Feb 042013

A friend mentioned to me that he was recently filling out some tax forms that had a check box for “single” under the category of relationship status. This reminded him of a time when similar forms did not use the word “single” but instead, they used the word “unmarried.” It’s good to see that, of […]