Julian Wolf


Julian Wolf discovered the world of kink at the turn of the century and quickly found a continuing passion for play and education. In addition to teaching frequently around the country, Julian still serves as advocate, producer and organizer for their local and regional community and is the author of Carnal Conundrums, a Sex Positive Alternative Advice Column running at SaucySW.com. Julian is part of the Kink Academy Faculty, as well as being a sought after performer and MC. For more details on the numerous projects and adventures this egalitarian sadomasochistic dandy, you are welcome to pursue JulianWolf.net. Read Full Profile...

Hedonism in Cafés

 Posted by on July 17, 2011
Jul 172011

By Julian Wolf

Inns and monasteries started offering hospitality to travelers in the twelfth century, and shops specializing in coffee started opening their doors in western Europe in the seventeenth century, and by the nineteenth century casual eateries were starting to offer specialty beverages with their dining fare.


 Posted by on June 20, 2011
Jun 202011

By Julian Wolf

What drives you? What do you find yourself thinking about every day? How do you spend your time? In what do you invest your money? For some of us, the answers to these questions are easy to articulate.


 Posted by on May 14, 2011
May 142011

By Julian Wolf

Levi Strauss. Prada. Chanel, Sally Hershberger, Dolce & Gabbana, Calvin Klein, Stella McCartney, Paul Mitchell, Sara Jessica Parker, Christian Dior, Alexander McQueen. Chances are you recognize most of these names

The Sensation of Clothing

 Posted by on February 15, 2011
Feb 152011

By Julian Wolf

I think it was early high school when someone first asked me why I wore velvet, silk (and their less expensive counterparts) year round. I remember replying without too much consideration that they just feel good. I then started to pay a bit more attention

Interview with Michael Sol

 Posted by on December 20, 2010
Dec 202010

By Julian Wolf

Michael Sol is a versatile artist based out of California. He is known for several kinds of work, and his reputation for forms such as bondage, photography and artistic cutting precede him in different parts of the country.