Kink vs Guilt

 Posted by on October 11, 2010
Oct 112010

by Ms Selina Minx

Something which has been coming up a lot lately, is the issue of kink vs spirituality. Open sexuality in general stands in opposition of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim religious ethic, with it’s mostly guiltless enjoyment of such activities as sadomasochism, swinging, and even polyamory inciting a fierce negative response from these religions.

All Publicity Is Good?

 Posted by on October 9, 2010
Oct 092010

By Micah Schneider

One of the first things you learn in the polyamory world is that there are at least as many ways to be poly as there are people who are poly. As polyamory in its many forms becomes more visible in mainstream culture, we will all benefit by this exposure. People will understand that polys are not that much different from everyone else.

Bite the Apple

 Posted by on October 6, 2010
Oct 062010

By Ms Savannah Sly

My week and a half of kink events and travel began at 5:30am on an NYC-bound bus. To my absolute dismay, I realized that, in my drowsy haste, I had forgotten all of my new Netflix DVD’s on my kitchen table. Alas, I was to endure my travels without any new films to mull over.

But wait! Hadn’t I planned on attending to 2010 NYC CineKink screening that very night?