Social Networking and Kink – Part 2

 Posted by on October 6, 2011
Oct 062011

By Lucy Lemonade The art of conversation has gotten lost in the new age of email and instant messages. Picking up on my last article regarding social networking and kink, I’m going to discuss the ins and outs of the introduction message. Many social networking sites have the ability to browse profiles and send a […]

Novice Dominant

 Posted by on October 4, 2011
Oct 042011

By Sarah Sloane Dear Sarah, I am a novice dominant and I’m interested in finding a submissive; I’ve been trying to get to know people at my local munch group (as well as online) but I’m having trouble with finding someone special. Some people treat me like I don’t know anything because I’m young (I’m […]

A whore by any other name…

 Posted by on October 2, 2011
Oct 022011

By Bex vanKoot No doubt even those among us who aren’t privy to the sacred sex newswire have heard about the raids on Goddess Temples in Pheonix and Sedona recently. The debate among the local community and pagan community alike have been greatly divided, with comments ranging from the greatest depths of sex-negativity all the […]

Don’t Be Scared

 Posted by on October 1, 2011
Oct 012011

By Mako Allen Many years ago, I started going to The Phoenix Society, a scene club in Baltimore. I was brand-new, and while I was bold about seeking out my desires, I did hold back some. I had no problem telling people I wanted to get spanked, but I kept what I thought were my […]

When you Leave the Scene…

 Posted by on September 15, 2011
Sep 152011

By Morgan When you leave the scene, it doesn’t leave you. I’ve lost count of the number of times a guy I’ve been involved with who at some point decided to leave the scene, only to come back in six months with a sob story and apology. My usual response is to send him straight […]

The Etiquette of Social Networks and Kink

 Posted by on September 9, 2011
Sep 092011

By Lucy Lemonade Social networks have become part of our everyday life, whether we enjoy them or not. They can be great for connecting with old friends or seeing new pictures. A social network devoted to kinksters also exists. I use Fetlife to connect with new friends I have met at events, and search for […]

Dressing for your body type: The Rectangle

 Posted by on August 29, 2011
Aug 292011

By Nina Love

Choosing the right clothing is an ongoing challenge. Most of us feel the pressure to fit in while standing apart. It’s an age old double edge sword. And in our little world the expectations are even higher. There are countless articles, blogs and rants about appropriate fetish attire.

An afternoon with CARAS

 Posted by on August 27, 2011
Aug 272011

By Kat Stamoulis

This year the 2011 Alternatives Sexualities Conference was held in Washington, DC, having moved from its previous homes in Chicago and San Francisco. I was in attendance at the conference, hosted by CARAS, not as a researcher or a clinician in the field, but as an undergraduate student with a passion for human sexuality as well as an active member of the kink scene.

A Dominant’s Obligation of Due Care

 Posted by on August 23, 2011
Aug 232011

By Morghan

A deeply neglected aspect of community safety in my opinion, is that of Due Care by the top. According to the definition of Due Care is “The effort made by an ordinary prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to another, taking the circumstances into account.”